
Pre-dryer for Sanitaryware

Pre-dryer for Sanitaryware


The pre-dryers allow to minimize the time normally required from the pieces de-molding to the entrance of the dryers, saving the space necessary for the pieces parking before the drying cycle.
This solution is adopted when it is not possible to place the pieces in the drier immediately after de-molding by article typology or production requirements.

The plant is equipped with a sole indirect combustion chamber with multi-cell gas burner - which it can also be with hot water system - and mist system capable of bringing each cell up to saturation of humidity.

Cycle times may vary depending on the final moisture content required.
The airflow inside each cell is guaranteed to be as homogeneous as possible in order to avoid air speed differences that may adversely affect the first critical shrinkage phase of the pieces.

A = Perfect homogeneity of air distribution inside the pre-dryers that "wraps" the pieces in the HORIZONTAL direction.
B = Perfect control of thermodynamic values of temperature (°C) and relative humidity (RH%) with the possibility of performing a curve over time.
C = Possible solution with gas or with hot water circuit or Energy recovery from the kiln.


  • Group of predryers

    Group of predryers

  • Group of predryers

    Group of predryers

  • Predryers series

    Predryers series

  • Automatic panel doors

    Automatic panel doors

  • Internal view

    Internal view

  • Automatic plastic doors

    Automatic plastic doors

  • Predryer series

    Predryer series

  • Pieces after predrying

    Pieces after predrying

  • Pre-dryer entrance

    Pre-dryer entrance